

Ricci Trading & Partners has been working in the safety shoes field since 30+ years. We are able to combine a reliable consultancy and trading activity – thanks to solid long term relationships with our partners – with a strategic import&distribution logistic unit, in order to satisfy all our customer needs, from small dealers to big brands, from local distribution to EMEA sales organizations.

We daily work in close contact with manufacturers on one side and European clients on the other, taking care of every single step from the idea of a new design, to brand-new safety shoes ready on stock, packed into customized boxes, prepared to be dispatched to local users.

Our headquarter is in Italy, we travel in Far East 6 times/year on average, we handle requests from almost all European countries.

In our domestic market, there are 100% of chances that today you met somebody who was wearing safety shoes, we somehow handled.

Concept development.

Current articles replication.

If you already distribute safety shoes and you are interested in evaluating a new provisioning channel, we can provide quotations and samples of articles you already sell, in order to add a new option to your traditional suppliers scenario.


If you already know the features of the safety shoes you would like to propose, you can share with us your thoughts and we will be glad to help you in finalizing the design and samples, thanks to the huge list of projects that have already been completed successfully.

Brand-new design suggestions.

If you are interested in introducing new styles in your catalogue, but you are searching for new ideas, we can share dozens of suggestions, in order to define a way for your brand and for your customers.

Samples definition.

Refining process.

We develop sketches and rendering of new possible design, and we proceed with a first round of samples. We discuss these new proposals with our customers and we develop an improved version of the first suggestions. We iterate the process, in order to get the best possible result in terms of safety, material features, design, comfort.

Certification support.

Paper work experts.

Some of our customers are organized and prepared to handle all certification process by themselves. Some others, need our support in managing the crucial aspect of safety shoes certifications, and we facilitate this procedure through a daily cooperation with the main Certification Bodies all over the world.

Supply chain coordination.

Taking care of the flow.

We constantly keep the order prodcution and all logistic phases under control, so as to keep the flow as smooth as possible, from manufacturer plants to European ports, to customer warehouses.

Stock management service.

In case of need, we offer a stock management service: we import safety shoes on behalf of our customers, who receive an immediate partial delivery, leaving in our warehouse residual parts of orders for a previously defined period, based on open orders and general contracts.

Disputes dealing.

It never happens. But.

Our manufacturers distinguished themselves for their reliability, quality, level of service, year after year, for decades. But we know that it can happen that a detail somehow creates critical situations, with no immediate solutions between the importer and the manufacturer who produced the articles. In those rare cases, we support our dealers to find a solution in order to proceed with a profitable cooperation for all players involved.


years of experience
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pairs managed every year
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customers in Europe
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different articles produced
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Contact Our address.

Ricci Trading & Partners Srl

Corso R. Emaldi, 86
48034 – Fusignano (RA) – Italy



+39 0545 51995